Our Story
As the name of our website suggests, we just love coconuts! So, we were pretty pleased when the rest of the world seemed to get on board with us. At the same time, we couldn’t help but notice that there was a lot of misinformation about coconuts and coconut-based products. Well, we weren’t willing to just stand by and let this happen. Thus, fortheloveofcoconuts.com was born. Here, we aim to help you understand everything about coconut and coconut-derived goods. Oh, and we’ve also thrown in some delicious recipes as an added bonus as well.
Author Bio

Riya Borah
Nutritionist Educator
Riya Borah is a nutritionist educator and her job involves guiding people towards a healthier lifestyle. Growing up in India, Riya was aware of just how much coconut was used on a daily basis. This encouraged her to research the properties of this versatile drupe. It opened her eyes to both the limitation and possibilities of coconut. Her aim is to now educate as many people as possible about the best ways to utilize coconut in their own lives.