
Can You Treat Cat Asthma with Coconut Oil? Let’s Find Out!

October 3, 2023

Most vets would not recommend treating cat asthma with coconut oil, especially not as a primary remedy.

As an animal lover, I have always been curious about the effects of coconut oil for our furry friends. Therefore, I will often check out veterinarian journals to learn whether it holds up as a remedy. In the case of cat asthma, it really doesn't help all that much, though it does have its uses.

In this post, I outline why coconut oil isn't the best remedy but can still boost your cat's health in general. I also go into detail about how to use coconut oil and even how to choose the best one for your kitty.

Find out more here!

The Theory behind Coconut Oil for Cat Asthma

Why coconut oil is presumed to be one of the home remedies for cats with breathing problems.

The main reasoning behind this is that coconut oil does have anti-inflammatory effects.

And, as you saw in the above section, one of the ways to treat feline asthma is with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Does this mean that coconut oil fits the bill? 

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What Do the Experts Say About Natural Remedies for Feline Asthma?

It should be noted that there haven’t been any specific studies or clinical trials involving cats and coconut oil.

Nevertheless, there are some holistic and wellness vets that state that coconut oil does have benefits for felines.

One of the things that these vets claim coconut oil can do is to boost the immune system and help with allergies. Needless to say, this may help with cat asthma.

For the most part, though, vets use coconut oil to help treat dry skin, dermatitis, and poor coat health.

Most vets wouldn’t recommend coconut oil as the primary treatment for feline asthma.

Veterinary experts advise against using any cat asthma natural remedies as a primary form of treatment.

However, coconut oil may be a beneficial supplement.

lady hugging her cat

How to Give Coconut Oil to Your Cat

Always start with the smallest possible amount of coconut oil for your cat. Then, you can gradually increase the quantity, if you wish.

However, if you notice that there are any digestive or stomach issues or any allergic reactions, stop the dosage immediately.

You can mix the coconut oil in your cat’s food or give it to them separately. Some cats enjoy the taste of coconut oil while others are a little fussier.

If your cat rejects the coconut oil, try mixing it with wet cat food that has a particularly strong odor. This way, they won’t be able to notice the coconut oil.

Most experts would recommend that you start with 1/8th of a teaspoon around once or twice a day.

You can go up to 1/4th or ½ of a teaspoon, but no more than that.

Remember not to continue the dosage for too long.

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The Best Coconut Oil for Home Treatment of Cat Asthma

The study conducted into whether coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties found that virgin coconut oil has the best impact.

This is why you should consider giving your cat Viva Naturals Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil.

The coconut oil is of the highest quality and is food-grade to boot. It has been cold-pressed to ensure that it is chock-full of nutrients for your kitty. 

What You Should Know About Using Coconut Oil as Cat Asthma Treatment

Cats have very different systems from humans. So, just because a particular ingredient is safe for you, doesn’t mean it is suitable for your cat.

So, always consult your vet before giving your kitty coconut oil. You may need to rule out an allergy beforehand.

Even if your cat isn't allergic to coconut oil, this ingredient can cause digestive issues and diarrhea.

You should also avoid giving your coconut oil to cats who suffer from pancreatic issues.

Don’t give your cat coconut oil regularly. Instead, you may want to wait until they are more likely to be exposed to certain allergens.

Furthermore, keep in mind that coconut oil is mostly made up of saturated fats. Thus, this can be rather unhealthy for cats, particularly when consumed over a longer period.

Feline Asthma

What Causes Feline Asthma?

Before going further, let's tackle what cat asthma actually is.

Feline asthma is an immunity-related medical condition. It occurs when there is inflammation of the small passageways in the lungs.

The asthma attacks can be brought on by stress or by allergens.

These include allergens such as grass, pollen, dust mites, cat litter, tobacco, cat litter, household cleaning products, and even certain foods.

The symptoms of asthma can be:

  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty with breathing or rapid breathing
  • Persistent cough or gagging
  • Frothy mucus produced with cough
  • Keeping mouth open while breathing
  • Breathing difficulties after activity
  • Neck extends outwards while struggling to breathe
  • Squatting low to the ground with the neck extended
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Increased swallowing
  • Gargling noise from throat
  • Blue gums and lips

The disease can’t be cured, but it can be managed with proper precautions and the right treatment.

How Is It Treated?

Cat asthma can be treated in two main ways.

Typically, vets will administer an anti-inflammatory medication such as a corticosteroid along with a bronchodilator medicine.

These drugs help to reduce the inflammation that causes the symptoms while also widening the air passages.

If this method doesn’t work, vets will consider an antihistamine drug.

These medications are most often given via an inhaler. However, it isn't unusual for the medicine to be given as a tablet or an injection.

This is what you need to know about using coconut oil to treat cat asthma. While it may not be proper treatment, it may just end up being a great supplement for your kitty.

If nothing else, coconut oil can be great for keeping your furry friend’s coat nice and shiny – something that these divas are sure to appreciate!

An Important Disclaimer
The information on this page should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a doctor if you wish to consume any kind of tea regularly for the purpose of treating any condition or illness.
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