You will have undoubtedly heard about coconut yogurt by now.
This could be because you love the taste of yogurt or are looking for a non-dairy yogurt option.
Either way, if you want to learn more about this delicious treat and how to make it yourself, you in the right place.
All that you need to know can be found below…
Table of Contents
How to Make Coconut Milk Yogurt?
If you are like most people, you are most familiar with the traditional dairy version.
This is made using fermented cow’s milk.
So, based on this definition alone, what on earth is coconut yogurt?
Coconut yogurt is made from coconut milk and probiotics.
Probiotics are a kind of “good bacteria” that are responsible for the fermentation process.
Is Coconut Yogurt Vegan Yogurt?
Now, if you were to make the yogurt at home, using just coconut milk and probiotics, then yes it would be vegan.
However, commercial coconut yogurts aren’t automatically vegan.
They may contain dairy, other animal derivatives unless they have specified otherwise.
Therefore, if buying coconut yogurt, you need to always check the label carefully.
You should also take care not to confuse coconut-flavored yogurt with coconut yogurt.
The latter is made of coconut milk, while the other contains cow or other plant-based milk yogurt that is flavored with coconut essence.
Coconut Yogurt Probiotic and Starter Options
Probiotics are known as a yogurt starter.
It is essentially what gets the fermentation process going.
If you’ve never made yogurt before, though, you may be wondering where on earth you can find a starter.
Well, there are actually several options available to you:
A Batch of Commercial Coconut Yogurt
The coconut yogurt that you can find in your local store already contains the bacteria you need as a starter.
As such, the yogurt itself will perform perfectly as a starter for your homemade vegan yogurt.
If this is the option that you go with, make sure to buy a coconut yogurt that is specifically made with coconut milk.
It shouldn’t contain dairy or other plant milks.
It is also a good idea to go with the most minimal yogurt.
Choose one without any added sugars, flavorings, and minimal number of stabilizers.
And, once you have made your first batch, you can actually use a small portion of that as a starter for your next one!
This is probably the easiest way to learn how to make coconut yogurt without probiotics.
Probiotic Capsules
Then, there are probiotic cultures.
These can be found in most health food stores.
The capsules contain the bacteria inside them.
So, all you need to do to use it as a starter is break one open and use the powder that is inside.
Starter Culture
These are cultures that have been specifically designed to develop yogurts.
However, these cultures have been grown using dairy as a medium.
So, if you have a severe milk allergy or are a strict vegan, most starters will not work for you.
Instead, you will need to look for ones that are categorized as vegan for a completely dairy free yoghurt recipe.
Now, that we’ve covered the fundamentals, let’s move onto the actual recipes…
Related Reading
Plain and Simple: Is Coconut Yogurt Paleo?
Your Guide to 50 Delicious Coconut Recipes (Sweet & Savory)
The Top Tips for Making Coconut Yogurt
Before you get started, there are a few things that you should know about making yogurt at home:
Sterilize Everything
Although you may not realize it, there can be bacteria on virtually any utensil or surface of your home.
In most cases, the bacteria isn’t that all that harmful or there isn’t enough to make you sick.
However, the bacteria on these surfaces can compete with the good bacteria in your starter.
This, in turn, can ruin your yogurt.
Due to this, you should sterilize any and all utensils before using them.
You can boil the containers and utensils and then carefully dry them.
Choosing the Right Probiotics
If you are using probiotics, it is important to use the right kind.
First and foremost, use either probiotic capsules or probiotic powders – the probiotic pills may not work as well.
Then, look at the ingredients of your capsules or powders. Make sure that it only contains probiotics.
Bear in mind that some kinds can contain prebiotics as well.
While prebiotics are good for your health, they will ruin your yogurt recipe.
So, always read through the ingredients or opt for a starter or commercial coconut yogurt instead.
Don’t Use Metal Utensils
Many people believe that metal can have a negative impact on probiotics.
Due to this, stick with only glass, plastic, or wooden utensils.
Allowing the Yogurt to Set
The yogurt has to set in a warm place.
Now, in the summer months, your home should be the right temperature for this process.
However, you will need to judge if the inside of your house is warm enough.
As such, you can simply leave it outside.
In cooler months, though, you can’t do this.
Instead, place the yogurt in the oven, but don’t turn the heat on!
Just put the oven light on and leave the yogurt for the recommended amount of time.
Faulty Batch? Start Again
There are just as elements within your control as there are those beyond, when making coconut yogurt.
As such, it is a possibility that your batch may not come out right.
It could smell or taste odd. Or, you may notice discolored spots or patches on your yogurt.
At this point, you can’t really do anything to salvage the batch.
Just throw it out.
Then, consider what you did the previous time and try to avoid the same mistakes.
Start from scratch again.
Coconut Yogurt Recipes
Here are your top two options for making coconut yogurt:
Easy Coconut Yogurt Recipe
6 Servings
- 1 can of full-fat coconut milk
- 2 probiotic capsules
Step 1: Combine the Coconut Milk
Before opening the can of coconut milk, shake it really well.
The liquid and solid portions should be completely combined.
Empty the coconut milk into a clean glass bowl.
Step 2: Add the Probiotics
Separate the probiotic capsules and add the powder to the bowl.
Discard the capsules.
Mix well to ensure that the probiotics are evenly distributed throughout the coconut milk.
Step 3: Cover the Bowl
Cover the bowl with a cheesecloth or a thin, clean dishcloth.
Place a rubber band over the cloth and secure it to the bowl.
Step 4: Let the Yogurt
Let the yogurt sit in your oven, with the light on but the heat off.
Let the yogurt sit for between 24 and 48 hours.
Refrigerate and eat when cooled.
Related Reading
The Ultimate Search for the Best Canned Coconut Milk
Paradise In Your Kitchen: Your Guide to Selecting the Best Coconut Milk
Coconut Yogurt Without Probiotics
Yields 4 Cups
- 4 cups of full-fat coconut milk
- ¼ cup of coconut yogurt
- 1 tsp. of agar agar
Step 1: Combine Coconut Milk and Yogurt
Add the coconut milk and yogurt to a glass bowl.
Mix well until all the yogurt has been completely dissolved and dispersed.
Step 2: Place Bowl in Warm Water
Fill a larger bowl with warm, but not hot water – fill only to the halfway point.
Place the bowl with the coconut milk mix into this bowl.
Make sure that the water doesn’t splash into the coconut milk.
Step 3: Let Yogurt Sit
Place the bowls into an oven and turn the light on.
Leave it for up to 8 hours or overnight.
Step 4: Add the Agar Agar
Add the agar agar and mix well.
You can eat the yogurt after a couple of hours.
Sweetening Coconut Yogurt
As you will have noticed, both the above recipes are for sugar free coconut yogurt.
The yogurt from these recipes will be pleasantly tangy and can be eaten as they are.
However, you can sweeten the yogurt if you prefer.
If you do choose to sweeten it, you can use maple syrup or vanilla extract.
Stir in these additions before you put the yogurt in the refrigerator.
When serving, you can add fresh fruit, jam, or fruit compote.
Storing Coconut Yogurt
You can store coconut yogurt in the refrigerator for several days.
Make sure to do so in a sealed glass container, so that the odors from other foods won’t invade your yogurt.
Always check the yogurt before consuming it.
If it smells or looks odd, don’t eat it. Throw it away instead.
Keep in mind that it is possible for mold to grow in the yogurt.
If you notice signs of mold developing, make sure to get rid of the batch immediately.
This is all that you need to know about making coconut yogurt. As you can see, it is a lot easier than you might have imagined!
At the same time, there are several tips and tricks that you do need to know to get it right.
If you enjoyed this post, head over to our Pinterest page. We have lots of other coconut recipes for you to check out and enjoy.